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Early Years
The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) contains the Early Years Learning Goals. These are taught through the learning areas such as Literacy, Maths, Communication and Language and an enriched Phonics Programme.
The personal, social and emotional development of our students is crucial and developed through active learning, playing and exploring, creating and thinking critically. The children are encouraged to investigate, be imaginative and innovative resulting in a greater understanding of the world in which we live.

Sasha Walsh
Deputy Head of Primary
Explore the Early Years Curriculum
FS1 Curriculum Overviews
FS2 Curriculum Overviews
Year1 Curriculum Overviews
Early Years Foundation Stage Framework
We follow the Statutory Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
Communication and Language
This provides children opportunities to experience a rich language
environment to develop their confidence and skills in expressing
themselves and to speak and listen in a range of situations.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The learning environment fosters independence, developing strong social skills and good relationships between students and teachers and parents. In Continuous Provision, children have opportunities to talk about their feelings and are taught how to play cooperatively with others by taking turns and working as part of a group.
Physical Development
Outdoor learning areas provide opportunities for the children to not only develop physically, but also to incorporate and use all the skills they have been taught in the classroom.
Our outdoor environment is a place where children can, explore and manage their own risks in a safe environment. Children are encouraged to bring a healthy lunch to school.
The learning environment supports children to develop and enhance their skills in counting, awareness of shapes, understanding numbers and number problems through practical hands on activities.
Literacy and Phonics
Developing a passion for reading and writing from the start is key to our students learning. Our expectation is that children will leave the foundation stage with the strategies and skills to read and write simple sentences ready for them to build on these skills in Kg 2/ Year 1. One of the first steps to enable children to access the joy of books is for them to learn the sounds associated with each letter and critical to this is the use of a structured phonics scheme.
Understanding of the World
Children are taught key skills in predicting, observing and evaluating to help them make sense of the world around them.
Throughout the Foundation Stage, our designated investigation areas provide children with open-ended opportunities to make links with other areas of the curriculum.
Expressive Arts and Design
Children are exposed to a rich learning environment that encourages role-play, art and music.
FS2 and Year1 classes are housed in their own building with separate covered playgrounds and active outdoor learning areas. We have a gymnasium and swimming pool, three fully equipped ICT Labs, Music Room, Science Lab, and Library, which is exclusively for our Early years students. Specialist Teachers teach Music, P.E., ICT, Library, Arabic and Islamic Lessons. The students also have access to playing fields for all sporting events.
- Separate Early Years Building
- 3 Fully equipped ICT Labs
- Gymnasium
- Swimming Pool
- Separate covered playgrounds and outdoor learning areas.
- Library
- Science Lab
- Music Room
- Conference Hall
- Sports Fields
What Our Early Years Teachers Say
I have been teaching at Wesgreen International School for the past 14 years, and every year is just as amazing as the last. I could not ask for a better school to teach! I have enjoyed teaching the students as well as learning from them. I believe every day is a new opportunity to learn and my main goal is to prepare my students to be successful in the rest of their school years and to be life-long learners. Wesgreen cares about its teachers and students. Wesgreen is our second home, where we feel welcome and appreciated."
Working in Wesgreen pushes you outside of your comfort zone as a teacher. I have grown personally and professionally over my time teaching here because of the opportunities that have arisen inside and outside the classroom. You are encouraged to become a leader and share your strengths with others. We work as a close-knit group and we are all supporting one and other- therefore always learning and growing from each individual staff member and the gifts and wonderful ideas they bring to their classroom. Although you may be far from home, the Wesgreen community makes you feel welcome and supported. I have met many wonderful life-long friends at Wesgreen and the children I have been lucky enough to teach along the way will have a space in my heart forever."
Wesgreen School provides a productive and healthy working environment to its staff with an opportunity for growth. As a teacher, I always felt an integral part of the professional learning environment the school always strives towards. Working as a team is not just put in words but actions, whereby each individual is given the chance to openly express opinions. While there are challenges in every work environment, at Wesgreen, the challenges are not downplayed but discussed openly and taken as an opportunity to be better
Explore All Our Curriculums