Welcome To Early Years
I have been working at Wesgreen for three years and feel very privileged to be part of this wonderful community.
Our Early Years Campus provides a safe, secure and nurturing environment, fostering a love of learning as students develop a strong foundation in all areas of their development. Strong, successful partnerships between Parents and Teachers are developed and we have a dedicated and enthusiastic team of professional practitioners.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) contains the Early Years Learning Goals. These are achieved through the learning areas such as Literacy, Maths, Communication and Language and an enriched Phonics Programme.
The personal, social and emotional development of our students is crucial and developed through active learning, playing and exploring, creating and thinking critically. The children are encouraged to investigate, be imaginative and innovative resulting in a greater understanding of the world in which we live.
This year sees the opening of our FS1 classes and we look forward to welcoming our youngest learners. Kg 1 (FS2) sees our students achieving all the Early learning Goals before transitioning to KG2 (Year 1) when National Curriculum for England is taught.
We promote strong values through the Gems Jewels of Kindness and Respect and our Wesgreen Values Tree giving our Early Years students a strong and solid foundation.
I look forward to working with our Early Years students as they embark on their school journey.