School Clinic
Wesgreen International School has four campuses each equipped with a sophisticated clinic which houses two competent and professional nurses and two full time doctors for all campuses. All clinics are located on the ground floor of the school at central points which makes it easy for student as well as staff access.
Our Clinic features includes waiting area ,Triage Area, Isolation room, Nurses station and treatment room with highest standards of medical equipment and sophisticated medical technology which makes it well-equipped for all student needs. Each clinic contains oxygen cylinders, glucometers, a blood pressure machine, Thermometer, AED machine, pulse oximeter and nebulizer machine. The doctors at the campuses also have access to an ENT diagnostic set.
Medical staff undergo continuing professional training to sharpen their skills, update their knowledge base and remain at the forefront of efficient healthcare delivery. Nurses are always on duty to attend to children in cases of emergency and to provide first aid. If children are unwell, they will be observed in the clinic under supervision until they are collected by their parents or guardians. Children are not sent home in taxis unless they are collected by the parent/guardian in a taxi.
In order to be up to date with your child’s medical background, it is necessary for us to have copies of your child’s vaccination cards, consent forms and access to any additional medical conditions and allergies. This should be sent to us before they start their first day at school.
We also offer health education to children nosed on topics related to healthy eating, prevention of injuries, immunity boosting and staying active. This advice is given as per the Ministry of Health Guidelines, policies and protocols.
We ask that parents adhere to the Healthy Eating Initiative see by Wesgreen where children refrain from bringing fizzy drinks to school. Glass containers are also not permissible.
Vending machines will be available around all campuses for children to obtain water. Water coolers were previously used, however due to the guidelines stated by the Ministry of Health, it is no longer allowed. This is done to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Here's how GEMS Education is ensuring the safety of your child
Lastly, we have a no-nut policy at the school, thus please do not allow your child to bring in any foods containing nuts.