Course Outline


Term 1

Week 1-4

Biology– Body Pump

(Circulatory system)

Week 5-10

Biology- Body Health

(looking after the body)

Week 10- 14

Physics- Danger! Low Voltage!

Week 15

 Revise and Review

Term 2

Week 1-11

Chemistry – Properties and changes of materials

(reversible and irreversible)

Week 12

Revise and Review

Term 3

Week 1-3

Biology– Our Changing World

(life cycles and observing animals through the year)

Week 4-7

Physics –  Light Up Your World

(The way we see things and recognise that light travels in a straight line.)

Week 8

Revision Week


The final grade for the course will be calculated based on:

Class work- 10%

Project- 35%

Assessments- 15%

Exam/Evaluation- 40%

Multiple forms of assessments, both formal and informal, will be used to gain knowledge about a student’s level of understanding.  Assessments will be in the form of assignments, projects, quizzes (announced or unannounced), observations, group work, homework, class work, participation, tests and exams.  All formal test dates will be posted on the communicator.

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