Course Outline

Term 1

Our Changing World

  • Observe animals in their habitats and notice how they change through the year.
  • Plants and animals in hot countries.
  • Will begin to learn about animal life cycles.
  • Weather and water in hot countries.

What’s in Your Habitat?

  • Children begin to learn about different habitats, how the living things are suited to the habitat and the interactions between the living organisms within a habitat.
  • Explore habitats by identifying things that are living, once-lived and never-lived.
  • Construct food chains that show how living things depend on each other.

The Apprentice Gardener

Term 2

Materials- Good Choices

  • Look at different materials and their properties.
  • Understand that one material can be used for a number of different objects.
  • Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for different uses.

Materials- Shaping Up

  • Identify materials that can be changed by the actions of squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.
  • Discover that some materials have different properties according to how they are shaped and what they are made into, and choose materials for uses according to their properties.
  • Discover that pushes and pulls can cause movement or a change in shape.

Term 3

Take Care

  • Discover different ways to keep healthy.
  • Learn about the importance of exercise and hygiene.
  • Look at different types of food.

Growing Up

  • Consider the basic needs of humans for survival (food, water, air), the need for warmth and shelter.
  • Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults.
  • Look at the sequence of the human life cycle, first through considering how they have changed since birth.
  • Look and identify different parts of plants.
  • Life cycle of a plant.
  • Grow plants from bulbs and from seeds, learning the sequence of germination, and comparing and contrasting the requirements of germinating seeds with those of mature plants to maintain healthy growth.

Resource for Learning

New National Curriculum 2014: Year 2
Snap Science

Breakdown of Marks: 100%

The final grade for the course will be calculated based on:

Multiple forms of formal and informal assessments including will be used to gain knowledge about a student’s level of understanding.  Assessments will be in the form of End of Unit Evaluations, End of Unit Project, Lab Report and Formal Assessment. All formal test dates will be posted on the communicator.

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